Wilderness Survival Training Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore cataloge page has books on wilderness survival skills and preparing for survival in any outdoor situation.
These books were selected by our research staff to provide good reference material and useful books
for those of us that truly enjoy being outside in the forests, fields, in the mountains, or making our way through marshes, swamps, deserts, and on the water.
These books and field guides cover basic and advanced wilderness survival skills. Including, but not limited to finding food
and water, securing shelter, building a fire, making clothing, making cordage and containers, making tools and weapons, and finding your way.
Here our selections from some of the leading authors for survival books for you to consider.
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Wilderness Survival Books
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Primitive Wilderness Skills & Survival Books
- Primitive Technology II: Ancestral Skills from the Society of Primitive Technology
~Usually Ships Within 24 hours
- -David Wescott, Society of Primitive Technology
Paperback 250 pages / Published September 2001
This excellent book covers survival techniques, tips, and procedures. Topics include finding food sources, making containers, build a bow with arrows,
tanning buckskin, making tools, and traveling safely.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -David Wescott, Society of Primitive Technology / Paperback 232 pages / Published April 1999
This excellent book, the first in this series, covers survival techniques, tips, and procedures. Topics include building a fire, making and using fibers,
building and using projectiles, using bone, stone, and wood, and much more.
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- Primitive Wilderness Skills: Applied and Advanced
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John McPherson / Paperback 292 pages / November 1996
This well written book is loaded with detailed text and B/W photographs that teach how-to perform important survival skills. Skills taught
include nutrition, tanning and making robes & furs, building a full-size dugout canoe, making a bow with arrows, flintknapping and making a stone ax,
making water and cooking containers, and wilderness navigation. And more.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Primitive Wilderness Living & Survival Skills: Naked into the Wilderness
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -John McPherson, Geri McPherson / Paperback 408 pages / Published January 1993
This well written book tells you everything you will need to know in order to survive in the wild. The topics covered in this book are as follows: making fire
with a bow and drill, making cordage, making a bow and arrows, making and setting traps, meat preservation, field dressing and butchering a deer, primitive
cooking methods, tanning deer skins, making baskets and pottery, making tools, and making sturdy shelters.
These topics are covered in detail with plenty of photographs so that even people with no outdoor experience could perform the tasks by
following the instructions closely.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- It Will Live Forever: Traditional Yosemite Indian Acorn Preparation
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Beverly R. Ortiz, Julia F. Parker, Raye Santos, Photographer
Paperback 160 pages / Published October 1996
The book is beautifully photographed and gives detailed instructions on how to prepare acorns both the traditional way with a granite mortar and sand pit and the modern way
with a blender and kitchen sink. California Native Americans used acorn as a primary staple food, which sustained them through the winter. The process, followed step by step
from the story and photos, is shown as part of a seasonal cycle. The acorns, gathered from the ground, should be dried for a year before being shelled and pounded
into meal and flour. The meal is then leached of bitter tannin in shallow sand basins, then separated and cooked with hot rocks in water-tight woven baskets. A bad crop of
acorn meant possible starvation, so the food is treated with respect and tradition throughout the process of turning acorns from a bitter nut into a sweet flour for making soup or bread.
Julia tells anthropologist, writer, and friend Beverly Ortiz the story of acorn preparation through a complete seasonal period. Many excellent photographs clearly record the intricate
technology these women developed and use.
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- Primitive Living, self-sufficiency, and Survival Skills
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Thomas J. Expel / Paperback 208 pages/ Published December 2003
This excellent guide gives you a direct, hands-on experience in the world around you. Learn how-to make shelters, build a fire, find water, and enough food. With this book
you will discover the method of staying warm and comfortable at night without even blankets. Experience the magic of starting a fire by friction. Learn about some the edible
plants of the Rocky Mountain region and the techniques to process them, plus primitive cooking skills.
Brain tan the hides from your fall hunting trips and manufacture them into durable clothing. Also
covered are: using sinews, making hide glue, backpacking, fishing by hand, making stone knives and
wooden containers, willow baskets, twig deer, making cordage, stalking skills, trapping, and tire shoes.
Participating in Nature includes dozens of innovative skills and nearly 350 illustrations, plus an
encompassing philosophy. The author does extensive experiential research. He places an emphasis on
publishing new information that is not found in any other source.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills & Wilderness Survival
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Mors L. Kochanski / Paperback 301 pages / Published March 1998
This book presents excellent bushcraft for the Northern forest areas of North America. Includes thorough and easy to follow instructions on axemanship, knifecraft,
fire-making, shelter building, cordage & rope, bark containers, working with birch, northern conifers, willows, moose, snow, and more.
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- Wildwood Wisdom
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Ellsworth Jaeger, Lloyd Kahn / Paperback 491 pages, 2nd Edition / Published 1992
This comprehensive historical guide, originally written in 1945, includes information on making fires, canoeing, using axes and knives,
and crafting shelters from hand-gathered materials, proper clothing, selecting gear, and finding useful plants.and covers all aspects
of survival in the woods.
This book also is an account of life in the 1800s, when survival in the wild depended on one's skill and ingenuity.
This book is very informative and includes many diagrams with patterns and measurements to follow which are easy to duplicate.
The techniques in this book would be excellent in teaching a survival class to youth or adults.
Click on the books title to read more.
- Field Dressing and Butchering Deer: Step-by-Step Instructions, from Field to Table
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Monte Burch / Hardcover 164 pages / Published September 2001
This excellent book by a veteran deer hunter passes down the wisdom of his practical experience and explains how to properly field dress and butcher
deer in order to prepare and preserve it for cooking or storage. Complete with the help of step-by-step instructions, black and white
photographs, and illustrations.
To the avid deer hunter, properly butchered, and prepared venison, is only surpassed by the savory taste of properly cooked venison.
Click on the books title to read more.
- Buckskin: The Ancient Art of Braintanning
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Steven Edholm, Tamara Wilder / Paperback 307 pages / Published February 2001
This book explains to make excellent buckskin at home using a proven practical and effective method. Learn how to make your own velvety soft, durable and washable buckskin, all without the use of dangerous of polluting chemicals. This field guide to braintanning is the same tanning
method used for thousands of years by American Indians and later used by the mountainmen and pioneers.
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- How to Make Primitive Pottery
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Evard H. Gibby / Paperback 90 pages / Published October 1993
This excellent book describing what clay is used to make pottery and how to find it. Covers preparing the clay for use, discusses reasons and techniques for adding temper and illustrates how to make pots using all techniques. Finishing and decorating the unfired pot are described and illustrated, followed by a detailed discussion of primitive firing techniques. There are more than 60 photographs showing each step described in the pottery-making process, as well as many finished items.
Covers how to cook a meal outdoors in the pottery that you have made yourself. A great book for anyone into primitive arts or survival skills, and for those who like to make their own craftwork.
There is a glossary of terms and a list of references.
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- The Outdoor Survival Handbook
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Raymond Mears, Paul Bryant (Illustrator) / Paperback 240 Pages / Published July 1993
This guide to wilderness survival teaches how to find and use what material is available to obtain food, water, cooking food outdoors,
making a shelter, making a fire and keeping warm, and how to find your way, and much more.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Outdoor Survival Skills
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Larry Dean Olsen, Robert Redford / Paperback 272 pages / Published November 1997
Outdoor Survival Skills presents basic and little-known information on survival skills in the wild lands.
Emphasizing camping skills, hunting, fishing, trapping, tracking, locating food, finding your way, and more.
An essential and well written outdoor manual, with 296 photos, and 96 in color.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook For Vacation Campers and For Travelers in the wilderness
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Horace Kephart, Jim Casada, Illustrator / Paperback (Facsm copy) Published 1926
An excellent old-time woods-skills book written by skilled woodsman. Kephart actually lived in the forest, writing about and refining his woodsman skills. Covers
everything including hunting and obtaining food, snares, dressing game, building fires, cooking food on camp fires, using an ax, building camp furniture, and much more.
This book belongs in every outdoor persons library.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Wilderness Survival
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Gregory J. Davenport / Paperback 192 pages
Published April 1998
This is another good book on wilderness survival. Written by an USAF Survival Instruction Corp teacher this book covers how to protect yourself
from the elements, obtaining water and food, navigation, personal safety and proper mental survival conditioning.
Click on the book title to read more.
- How to Stay Alive in the Woods
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Bradford Angier, Vena Angier, Illustrator / Paperback 288 pages / Published March 1998
This is the latest edition of an old favorite and very useful book. This little book fits in your pocket and covers all
the basics on staying safe and well, staying warm and dry, finding food and water, and finding your way in the woods.
Includes illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Desert Survival Skills
~Usually Ships in 1-2 Weeks
- -David Alloway / Paperback 288 pages / Published July 2000
This book is authoritative, comprehensive, well written, and at times entertaining. Each year people die in the deserts and
this book shows how these deaths can be prevented through the use of desert survival skills. The needed survival skills are
covered in a logical and sequential manner, starting with knowing what you are up against. Covers specific topics such as
survival kits, finding and using water, fire, shelter, tools and weapons, traveling, and finding your way. Throughout, the author
relates true survival stories, which reinforce the need for acquiring desert survival skills. Complete with line drawings
illustrations, photographs, and maps. The handbook includes a brief glossary and over 50 selected references.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Mountain Crafts and Skills: A Fully Illustrated Guide to Wilderness Living and Survival
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -David R. Montgomery / Paperback 240 pages / Published April 2000
This excellent book is the essential illustrated guide to wilderness living and survival for hobbyists, survival enthusiasts, family campers, and everyone
else who enjoys outdoor life. Learn how to make your own clothing, shelter, and equipment with complete step-by-step instructions and illustrations. Learn
how to make and use hunting tools and utensils, build and set wild game traps, make mountainman clothing, use tents, make your own powder flasks and horns,
shoot with black powder, make a fire, make deer-horn jewelry, tan hides, and cook a hearty meal with only the barest of essentials and much more.
Complete with mountainman historical lore, and descriptions of foods and living habits, and including campfire yarns.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
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This page was last reviewed and updated July 28, 2015.